



Intensive Practice for intense times!
I want to give you the oportunity to get to know the depth & beauty of Swakriya Yoga - the practice of the traditional 5 elements - in an intensive 5 weeks sadhana immersion.
As the challenges around us grow, so we too grow into our true strength and potential.
We can choose to do so! And the 5 elements are an enourmous support.

as a structured practice system
is the result of the intensive work and
co-operation of Gurusharanji & Saraswati over many years.
Based on traditional tantric yoga practice,
and inspired by the love and universality of Sri Ma Anandamayi,
our Guru, Swakriya Yoga is an extremely beautiful and applicable practice that gives us tools for our day to day life.
In this way each and every action becomes rich with purpose and aids our spiritual awakening. In this way we realize that the One is in all, and all is the One.
The 5 Elements Practice is exactly the right thing for you, if....
if insecurities and worries plague you at times, and you want to be more grounded.
if you want to follow the path of your heart with more clarity! Distractions wait at every corner, and it happens easily that we forget the true purpose of life, and time is wasted.
if you want to bring joy, playfulness, sweetness and spontanious flow into your life! Maybe you carry a lot of responsibility, doing a great job at managing many things, but sometimes feel that you are becoming serious, dry and rigid!
if you want to cultivate the softness, beauty and strength of an open heart, to choose connectedness rather than seperation. Most of us are kind persons by nature, but sometimes judgement, guilt and grudges might sneak in.
if you want to experience the vastness, freedom and timelessness of your soul. We treasure relationships, memories, places and experiences in our life, but letting go can be a challenge. The fear of losing what we love can cause suffering and bondage.
if you have a love for Nature and Mother Earth. The more we heal ourselves by balancing the 5 elements within, the more we initiate balance around us. Nature reflects this harmony.
if you also feel that it is vital for humanity to reconnect to the nature and the cosmic principles and remember our Oneness with all of life.
Each of the 5 "Mahabhuta", the Great Elements,
is a Door to Oneness.

Samstag 15th January
Earth - Prithivi
Stability, Calmness, Patience, Continuity, Groundedness, Fearlessness

Saturday 22nd January
Water- Apah
Joyfulness, Spontaneity, Flexibility, Ease, Generosity, Softness
Saturday 29th January
Fire - Agni
Clarity, Focus, Purpose, Dedication, One-pointedness, true Desire of the heart

Saturday 5th February
Air - Vayu
Connectedness, Openness, Love, Forgiveness, Acceptance, Inclusion

Saturday 12th February
Ether - Akash
Formlessness, Vastness, Limitlessness, Freedom, pure eternal Consciousness

Saturday 19th February
Conclusion of all 5
with Gurusharanji as a special guest
What you will learn
You learn about the true essence of the 5 tradtional tantric elements - Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether- and how they work within your being.
You will receive a daily morning Sadhana for each element and know how to use mantras, mudras, pranayamas and kriyas.
You will establish a real relationship with the 5 elements, that can accompany and enrich you for a lifetime.
you receive living knowledge, which through application, turns into experience, instead of simply filling the mind with informations.
and most important of all, you will receive practices to promote awareness of the elements in your daily life, as well as tools to help you with challenges.
What Participants say...
The special thing for me is definitely the way Saraswati is teaching. Due to her loving nature, many examples, stories and practice as well as her comprehensive knowledge, I can absorb, retain and implement the content very well. The time is used for the essentials and not lost in anything unnecessary. All questions are answered superbly. Since the practice is based on original tradition, I feel that the exercises make me see and appreciate the essential, that which is really important.
Annette Ambika Kreutzberger
Saraswati's courses are an enormous source of strength for my life. I no longer want to miss them. She shares her deep knowledge with clarity and high aspiration, but at the same time full of joy and serenity. What do I take away from it? A deep connection to nature and the confidence that all our worries, desires and emotions are part of the "play of the Divine".
Sabine Harder
This program is particularly well-founded and enriches spiritual practice in a very profound way. Saraswati's guidance is empathetic and competent. Life becomes more beautiful and richer through this practice....!
S. Rothe
I would like to thank you very much for the valuable time and the deep connection with the group (also via Zoom). I was able to perceive my yoga practice on a much deeper level in course of this program. Through the daily practice in all areas of life and at any time, I have experienced more yoga-time than time without yoga!!! Saraswati has a very inspiring way that I am very grateful for ♡ The 5 elements work at all times, How blessed we are when we are allowed to perceive this.
Jyotirmaya (Tanja Tsotsos)
It was indescribably beautiful! On the one hand Saraswati's fine way of expressing herself, finding such wonderful words, presenting the regular practice inspirations, her beautiful voice, on the other hand, the clarity of her nature, delivering the topics very clearly and precisely and very lovingly... ​ This time with the five elements has made my life, my thinking, my actions so much richer and more meaningful. A very round and wonderful experience. Thank you very much for that! ​
Julia Matenaer
Working with the 5 elements has become a very valuable way for me to dedicate myself to my spiritual growth, it has changed my everyday experience in a very positive way. Some of the changes are: a better ability to accept situations and things as they present themselves and less tendency to judge and evaluate. A clearer inner orientation towards the spiritual path through the regularity of meetings and exchange in our wonderful little sangha; More trust and devotion to the Divine; a stronger sense of unity and connectedness with my true inner being, with other people and everything that surrounds me;
Eva Maria Fleissner
What you will receive...
5 Element Workshops
+ 1 Closing Session with Gurusharanji
Saturdays 9:30 - 13:30
15, 22, 29 January
& 5, 12, 19 March
Access to a group on mewe
for support and exchange
A group where we can stay connected and share exeriences
Practice Inspirations
by email
between Workshops
you receive practice promts per email to be applied in your normal everyday life.
The program is designed to help you keep your focus, and to really integrate the teachings into your daily life.
If you have been attracted by SAUNDARYA YOGA,
the practice with Devi, the Goddess
in the form of the Mahavidyas - the Wisdom Goddesses
or the Nitya Devis - the Moon Goddesses,
then the 5 elements are a great basis and introduction to tantric yogic practice!

If you would like to do the Mahavidya Intensive Immersion mid March to end of April, or/and the Nitya Devi Practice Group, which will begin in the second half of this year,
I strongly suggest that you take this chance to get to know the 5 elements in this intensive immersion, so that you will be able to join us.
Options and Prices
Option 1
5 Elements
Intensive Immersion
January - February 2022
All 5 Element Workshops + 1 Closing Session with Gurusharanji
practice promts for daily life by email for 5 weeks
mewe group for connection and exchange
Recordings might be available for those who must miss a class (personal presence in at least 3 workshops is strongly encouraged)
Early Bird Application
for the first 5 participants!
until 30th December
360 Euro
Normal Price
(Payment in 2 rates possible)
405 Euro
If your financial situation doesn't allow you to participate for the above rate, please don't hesitate to send me a message.
We will try to find a solution.
Please take note:
This progam is not in any way a teacher training. Its content is shared with you personally for your own spiritual growth and practice.
It should not be shared with third persons.
We trust in your respect for the traditions and for our work.