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Reconnecting to the Divine Feminine and the ancient lineages of Wisdom

The Source of all Existence has been revered as the Great Mother for thousands and thousands of years by cultures around the Globe. She is Mother Nature, the 5 Elements, the Love, the Wisdom and the Intelligence of the Universe. Let us heal the wound of disconnection, let us remember  the ancient wisdom of the Goddess.

Saraswati Shaktimayi:

 "Many of us have been born with an innate sensitivity, connection to nature, artistic, creative abilities, a mystical worldview and an intuitive remembrance of ancient wisdom.

Being raised in a society system that honours logic, science, hierarchy, competition, linearity, endless growth and productivity, outer image, rank, status, power and superiority (functions of the left hemisphere of the brain associated with masculine energy) over intuitive wisdom, receptivity, inner spiritual connection, creativity, beauty, art, celebration, cyclical living in harmony with nature, rest and nourishment, holistic thinking, inclusivity, equality and peaceful co-operation and co-existence (functions of the right hemisphere of the brain associated with feminine energy), most of us could not avoid being conditioned to these patterns and to develop strategies to adapt and function in this foreign environment.


But at some point in our life

the unconscious suppression of our true nature & feminine energy might catch up with us...


Lack of purpose, disconnection from our passion and joy, alienation from nature and our body and lack of emotional nourishment

might express itself as...


depression, exhaustion, physical and psychological depletion and burnout.


This is a great chance to break free from externally imposed limitations, expectations and judgements and allow the inner wisdom of your soul to guide the way home.

The supression of feminine energy and predominance of masculine principles has begun such a long time ago (over 3000 years) that we no longer consciously remember that there once was another way. But our DNA carries the memory of millenia upon millenia of Goddess Worship, of honouring the Divine Feminine in the form of nature (and in the form of women), when there was balance between masculine and feminine and spirituality was a direct lived experience inseperable from daily life. A time when the natural order in society was upheld by ceremonies and celebrations in alignment with nature, the cosmos, the planets, the seasons and the cycles of our bodies. A time when psychological health was tended to by the means of communal rituals of grief, joy and trance that provided a save, dedicated container for emotional expression and repatterning of traumatic experiences. ​ A time when all music, dance, art and celebration was a form of worship and prayer. ​ A time when food and medicine was directly provided by nature, the intelligence of our cells was intact and our bodies were synchronized with the natural cycles. Most of this ancient wisdom has been forcefully destroyed, supressed and lost.

Some of the ancient knowledge has survived...

~ AYURVEDA the science of life teaches us how to follow a more feminine, gentle, nourishing lifestyle aligned to the natural cycles, replenishing Ojas - the Source of Soma or Amrita, the mystical nectar of life.

~ TRADITIONAL TANTRA maybe the most ancient system of spiritual practice that honours the Divine Feminine as the very substance of creation. All aspects of nature can be invoked and related to through mantra, yantra, kriya, meditation and ritual.  I work specifically with the 5 elements, the phases of the moon and the great Wisdom-Goddesses.

~ HATHA YOGA supports the release of blocked energy, increases the flow of lifeforce, strengthens awareness, supports higher consciousness and balances the right and left hemispheres, the masculine and feminine

~ WOMEN'S CIRCLES are an integral part of our collective subconscious memory. They can be gateways into ancient wisdom, sacred spaces of support, celebration and transformation.

There is a force within, the source of life, that reawakens and reactivates the ancient memories stored in our genetic heritage.

This force is called SHAKTI.

Do you hear the inner call?

Do you feel the yearning within?

Are you a seeker trying to connect the threads?

Do you long to reconnect to the ageold lineage of wisdomkeepers?

Do you feel to deepen your experience of nature?

Do you want to return home into the arms of the Great Mother?

Do you want to live and express the full spectrum of who you are?

Come let's follow the crumbs.....




 Get started with this

Free E - Book


How to establish a sustainable routine of replenishing sleep and early morning spiritual practice, to cultivate the liberating, nourishing presence of Divine Mother within.





Swakriya Yoga

 MONDAYS 19:00 - 20:30 ONLINE

"Balance and stabilize your energysystem
at the beginning of your week"

One on One Session:

Meet your Nitya Devi

Receive the message and guidance of your individual Moongoddess 


Gesunderhaltung im Rhythmus der Natur

"Sanfte Entschlackung im Frühling"

 6. - 13. MAI 2025 im Ausseerland / Österreich


"You will see the Light,

if you aspire for it.

Yearn for it with all you heart."

Sri Ma Anandamayi


Saraswati Susannah

About Saraswati

Saraswati is a certified Yoga Teacher, Shiatsu Practitioner, Ayurvedic Practitioner i. T. and holds a Master Degree of the University of Vienna

in Social and Cultural Anthropology.


She has been living and learning in India for extended periods of time over the last 13 years, studying, practicing and experiencing the timeless ancient traditions at their roots.

The latest Blog-Post...


Tamara Krapf

Practicing with Saraswati has been a very precious experience that gave me a lot of trust and love for life. I am grateful to her for all the love and passion she shared with us. It brought so much positive energy and moved me deeply.

Sabine Harder

The words you find, the joy and serenity you radiate, the professionalism and seriousness with which you design your sessions, the reliability you offer - one could not wish for more. I am so grateful to call you my teacher.  

WhatsApp Image 2020-04-22 at 4.49.02 PM.

Elisabeth Kribernegg

Being able to recognize the Truth and Beauty of life is a gift I owe to Saraswati's love and devotion with which she guided us through the practice. What I am taking home with me is the devotion to life, the unconditional love to all that is and the infinity of being. I bow.


Yoga in Kefalonia / Greece

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If you are new to Yoga start here. Hatha Yoga helps us to keep our physical body healthy. It enhances body awareness and presence, establishes a deeper relationship with our breath and helps the nervous system to relax.

Swakriya Yoga is for you if you are longing for deeper connection with nature and spiritual meaning. Kriyas, Pranayama, Mantras, Mudras, Meditation are traditional tantric tools to connect us with the 5 Great Elements and to our own true Nature.

Saundarya Yoga is a deep dive into the most ancient spiritual tradition - Shakta Tantra - that sees the Universe as Mother. Tantric Goddesses are aspects of Nature, the one Conscious Creatice Force, Shakti, the source of Life. We access them through Kriyas, Mantra, Yantra, Mudra and Meditation


A foundational course in the Tantric Goddess Tradition

Preparing the Temple. Inviting the Goddess.

A seven weeks journey
to establish a lifestyle and a spiritual practice of Supreme Nourishment
that invites Divine Mother's Presence into the temple of your heart.
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