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1 : 1 Astrological Reading

Your unique expression of the
Divine Feminine

~ Which Nitya Devi (Moon-Goddess) expresses Herself through you, guides and supports you?


~ What is your mission and your challenges?


~ How can you best relax into who you really are?

Especially for women,
lack of Feminine Energy leads to exhaustion & depletion.
Modern Society functions mainly through masculine principles and does not leave much space for expression of the Feminine...

The highest expression of Feminine Energy is to love and honour Nature, giving space to and to fully relax into YOUR true nature - being who you really are.

But who are you really?
Do you know your unique energetic signature?
Do you know your gifts and challenges?
Do you know your mission?
Do you know the Lunar Goddess under whose light you were born and who you are here to embody?
The day you were born had a unique Light that lives inside of you. This Light is a form of Shakti. How does the Goddess want to be known, how does she want to live through you?
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In this personalized Jyotish reading we look at:

  • The lunarday of your birth ( Sanskrit "tithi")

  • The Nitya Devi (Moongoddess) presiding over this day

  • The Nakshatra in which the moon was residing

  • The Nakshatra of your Ascendant

  • The Nakshatra in which Venus was residing

All of this will help us understand the unique Light you bring to this world, the special Beauty of Feminine Energy that you are here to embody.



As a result you will...

  • ​Give yourself permission to relax into who you are

  • Accept, honour and give space to your unique nature

  • Fully embody your expression of the Divine Feminine

  • Live with more gentleness and ease

  • Feel more nurtured and ressourced

  • Be aware of nature's support in form of your Moongoddess

Nitya Devi Triangle

In this personalized session you will experience and receive...


  • A guided meditation to connect to the nurturing energy of the moon


  • Understanding of your Nature through the Lunarday of your Birth and through your Nitya Devi


  • Understanding your mission through your Lunar Nakshatra


  • A guided visualization to meet your Lunargoddess and a mantra meditation to embody Her.


  • Suggestions on how you can honour Her every month and nourish your relationship with Her


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