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"Pancha Mahabhuta"


Die 5 Elemente in der Tiefe erfahren





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The 5 Elements Practice is exactly the right thing for you, if....
  • The challenges of life can feel overwhelming, we all experience a sense of insecurity and it makes us feel worried. It is the human condition.


  • But you want to follow the path of your heart! It is just that with all the distractions you often forget the true purpose of life, and time is wasted.


  • You are responsible for many things and for sure are doing such a good job managing life, but sometimes everything seems to become dry and rigid and you lose the joy, the sweetness, the taste of life.


  • You are a kind and loving person by nature, but oftentimes it is very challenging to stay openhearted and soft and to see connectedness rather than seperation. Judgement and grudges are sneaking in....


  • You really treasure people, things, memories, places and experiences in your life, but you also feel that this attachment can make you unfree. The fear of losing what you love causes suffering.


  • Last but not least, you care about Nature and Mother Earth and want to make your contribution to healing. The more humanity balances the elements within, the more Nature also finds back into harmony.


The 5 Mahabhuta, the 5 great elements, are doors to to Oneness.


Samstag 13th February

Earth - Prithivi

Stability, Calmness, Patience, Continuity, Groundedness, Fearlessness


Saturday 13th March

Water- Apah

Joyfulness, Spontaneity, Flexibility, Ease, Generosity, Softness


Saturday 10th April

Fire - Agni

Clarity, Focus, Purpose, Dedication, One-pointedness, true Desire of the heart


Saturday 8th May

Air - Vayu

Connectedness, Openness, Love, Forgiveness, Acceptance, Inclusion


Saturday 12th Juni

Ether - Akash

Formlessness, Vastness, Limitlessness, Freedom, pure eternal Consciousness

How will this Workshop Series impact your life?



  • you can deal with challenges consciously and know how to find your inner balance


  • you know how to cultivate the experience of calmness and peace when there is a lot of turmoil


  • you can bring joy and ease into your life, when things get too serious.


  • when there is chaos and confusion you can access clarity and purpose.


  • you open yourself to love, generosity and connectedness of all things.


  • you access the experience of transcendence and freedom.

What will you learn?
  • You learn about the true essence of the 5 tradtional tantric elements - Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether- and how they work within your being.


  • how to apply mantras, mudras, pranayamas, kriyas to connect to the elements.


  • to establish a real relationship with the 5 elements, that can accompany and enrich you for a lifetime.    


  • you receive living knowledge, which through application, turns into experience, instead of simply filling the mind with informations.


  • you will know the suitable tools to apply in your daily life situations.


5 Workshops

Saturdays 9:30 - 13:30


13 February

13 March

10 April
8 May

12 June

What you will receive

5 Practice Sessions

Saturdays 9:30 - 10:45


27 February

27 March

24 April
22 May

26 June

Practice Inspirations by email

between Workshops

and Practice Sessions you receive reminders per email to inspire your moment to moment  Sadhana

The bi-weekly live meetings and email inspirations help you to keep your focus, to integrate the teachings into your daily life and gives you the oportunity for personal exchange.

Options and Prices

Option 1

5 Elements Practice Group

February - June 2021



  • All 5 Element Workshops

  • 5 Practice Sessions

  • practice inspirations by email


if you miss a class you will get a link to the recording

Early Bird Application

until 1 st February

405 Euro

After 1 st February

450 Euro

 If your financial situation doesn`t allow you to participate for the above rate, please don`t hesitate to send me a message.

There are a few places available for a reduced price!

Option 2

1 Element Workshop



  • Workshop only

without Practice Session and email practice inspirations

Regular Price,
bookable any time
 108 Euro
Options & Prices 5EWS Series
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